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About Chongqing Finance and Economics College

Introduction to Chongqing Finance and Economics College

Introduction to Chongqing Finance and Economics College


Chongqing Finance and Economics College was founded in April 2001 and approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education as a full-time general independent undergraduate college with undergraduate-level education in Dec. 2003. In 2011, Chongqing Finance and Economics College was officially approved as a college that can grant bachelor degree. It covers an area of 1,100 acres, with one campuse in Jinkou of Sha Pingba District and the other one in Long Zhouwan Avenue of Ba’nan District of Chongqing Municipality, and one Production and Education Integration Test Base. The student hall covers an area of over 380,000 square meters.

Our Goals

Under the guidance of the Theoretical System of Characteristic Chinese Socialism and the implementation of the Party’s education policy, Chongqing Finance and Economics College adheres to the vision of “Pioneering Industry–Education Integration and Modeling Private Colleges, with an aim to serve the development of the local industries and reinvigorate Chongqing Finance and Economics College through distinct features. Chongqing Finance and Economics College takes learners as the center, undergraduate education as the main body, specialty construction as the foundation, talent strengthening school as the support, scientific research as the impetus, openness as the link, cultural construction as the guarantee, in-depth educational and teaching reform as a priority. In an effort to build Chongqing Finance and Economics College into one of the high-level application-oriented college of Finance and Economics featuring in industry–education integration, we strive to implement “Five Practice Process” (experiment, training, practice, internship, innovation), cultivate “Five Excellent Talents (high quality financial talents, solid theoretical knowledge, professional skills, problem-solving abilities and effective communication skills), cultivate college students’ morality, and manage the school by law.  


1. Advocate “Five Excellence” education mode: Cultivate “Five Excellent Talents” with excellent personality and quality, solid theoretical foundation, strong professional skills, strong learning ability, excellent communication and cooperation skills, with the practice of combining academic education and vocational education, knowledge education and competence education, humanity education and work ethic education.  


2. Construct the “Three Modules” + “Two Supplementary” curriculum system: construct the three platform module courses that respond to the market and students’ needs: general education, professional education and practical training, as well as two supplementary courses: the network education that orients to information technology and the certification education that responds to the vocational demands, in an effort to constantly optimize the talent training program.

3. Build “One Body Two Wings” teaching team: “One Body” refers to the main body of the faculty of Chongqing Finance and Economics College, who are composted of outstanding masters graduated from well-known colleges and universities from home and abroad. “One Wing” refers to a Double-Qualified teacher team composed of outstanding middle and senior managers from the industry and enterprisesand, and the other wing refers to a high level academic team composed of excellent teachers fromCTBU(Chongqing Technology and Business University).  

4. Promote the internationalization mode of “One Core and Multiple Points” : With the pilot programs “3.5+1 and 4+1” mode as the core (namely three and a half year’s study at Chongqing Finance and Economics College to get a Bachelor’s Degree, followed by one year’s study abroad to get a Master’s Degree, or four-year’s study at Chongqing Finance and Economics College to get a Bachelor’s Degree, followed by one-year study abroad to get a Master’s Degree), we actively carry out various forms of internationalized education, such as study tours and exchange student programs.  

5. Build a scientific research system of “Collaborative Innovation and Four in One”: to build a scientific research team consisting of outstanding scientific research talents and school-based teachers from the business community, relevant functional departments of the government, other units and organizations, in an effort to promote the development of scientific research while teaching at our College.


Chongqing Finance and Economics College exercises the president responsibility system under the leadership of a board of directors. It is presently equipped with 15 administrations including Party Committee Office (Archives), Department of Party-masses Affairs, CPC Publicity Department, Human Resources Department (Teacher Development Center, Evaluation Office), Office of Academic Affairs, Student Work Department (Student Affairs Office, Youth League Committee, Security Guard Office), Office of Academic Research (Development Planning Office), Admission and Employment Office (Alumni Office), Finance Office, International Cooperation and Exchange Office, Information Office (Office of Smart Campus), the School of Continuing Education (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Center), Industry-Education Integration Office, Library, Logistics Support Center. It has 11 teaching Units including the School of Accounting, the School of Finance, the School of Wealth Management, the School of Logistics Engineering, the School of Software (the School of Digital Economy), the School of Economics, the School of Public Administration, the School of New Media Art, the School of Iflytek Artificial Intelligence (Key Laboratory at the provincial level), the School of International Business, and the School of Marxism.        



Disciplines and Majors

Chongqing Finance and Economics College has 4 disciplines including economics, management, engineering and literature, offering undergraduate degrees in 35 majors. There are a characteristic discipline professional group (finance professional group), a “A-class Disciplines Construction Project” at the provincial level (including finance, exhibition economy and management, accounting), and a characteristic disciplines construction pilot program of Chongqing Municipality (Economics, finance, logistics management, accounting, and software engineering)

Faculty Members

Chongqing Finance and Economics College has more than 600 full-time teachers. More than 440 teachers have a Master’s Degree or above, accounting for more than 73% of the total. More than 250 faculty members have the title of deputy senior or above, accounting for more than 40% of the total, among which 83 are seniors. Also, the college has long engaged domestic and foreign scholars and industry experts to carry out academic lectures and practical teaching and guidance for students.

The College has introducd talents like the winner of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, the Distinguished Professor of Cheung Kong Scholars, the recipients of the State Council special allowance, the first Chongqing academic and technology leader, the Ba-Yu Scholar distinguished Professor, the third batch of Chongqing academic and technology leader reserve candidate, Ba-Yu Scholar (young scholar) and 20 other high-level talents at all levels and types.  

Teaching and Scientific Research

Great achievements has been made in teaching research and reform. In recent years, Chongqing Finance and Economics College has won three third prize of Chongqing Teaching Achievement Award, hosted 6 projects of the first batch of industry-university cooperation organized by Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, 5 pilot projects of deepening comprehensive reform in the field of education in Chongqing, and 57 educational and teaching reform projects in Chongqing (including 2 major projects and 6 key projects), published 33 self-compiled teaching materials. Chongqing Finance and Economics College is one of the first pilot colleges of the “New Financial Wisdom Learning Factory (2020)” Project of School Planning conducted by the Construction and Development Center of Ministry of Education. It has 19 school-level teaching teams and 11 teacher studios. In November 2016, Chongqing Finance and Economics College was approved as the second batch of pilot universities in Chongqing to transform into application-oriented universities (Chongqing Education, Planning and Development [2016] No.12).

The College has been approved to set up 5 national social science fund projects in three consecutive years, 98 provincial and ministerial-level projects in total, including 4 Humanities and Social science projects of the Ministry of Education, and 65 scientific research projects approved by Chongqing Education Commission. It has undertaken 98 horizontal research projects of government, enterprises and institutions, with the contract funds of horizontal projects exceeding 10 million yuan. A total of 49 academic works and 1106 academic papers written by its faculty has been published, including 362 core and above journal papers, and 1 cited paper of top 1% ESI. Also, 5 financial and political proposals offered by faculty members of our shool have been approved by leaders at the national and provincial levels, and 15 have been adopted by government units at or above the bureau level. There are 1 innovation research group and 1 collaborative innovation research team of philosophy and social science in Chongqing, one key laboratory of Chongqing municipality, one key laboratory of industry, and 5 industrial think tank platforms jointly built with large enterprises, public institutions, and industry associations. In the past five years, the total investment in scientific research was 36.142 million yuan, including 24.127 million yuan in R&D.    

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Chongqing Finance and Economics College has set up an innovation and entrepreneurship education center to systematically carry out innovation and entrepreneurship education, building practice bases like characteristic roadshow hall, maker bazaar and industrial park entrepreneurship base. In the promotion of Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation, the school has been awarded as Mass Innovation Space by Chongqing Municipal Commission of Education and Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology. Its student entrepreneurship training incubator base has enrolled more than 830 students, done 31 student team projects, 16 teachers and students co-create projects, and incubated 7 companies until now.    

In recent years, our school has won a total of 53 municipal or above awards in innovation and entrepreneurship related competitions, including 5 silver awards and 3 bronze awards in Chongqing Division of Internet + Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for College Students.

Industry-Education Integration

The College has set the goal of building Chongqing Industry-Education Integration Reform Pilot Area” ( to integrates talent training and industrial development, in an effort to improve both social and economic benefits), and building Model University of Industry-education Integration in Chongqing and Model University of Finance and Economics of Industry-Education Integration in China” (orienting towards high-quality industrial development).

The university has set up a new mode of 4 dimensions (school-enterprise co-construction of teaching projects, co-construction of goods-ordering classes, co-construction of majors and co-construction of schools), and successively built related teaching units like the School of Iflytek Artificial Intelligence co-constructed with Iflytek Co.,Ltd., the School of Oracle Big Data co-constructed wtOracle (China) Software System Co.,Ltd. , and the School of co-constructed with Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (China) Software Co.,Ltd. In cooperation with enterprises, it has established characteristic project classes, including Jingdong Economics and Trade Class, Longhu Property Management Class, Beihang Binnan Class, International Talent Class. Also, it has signed cooperation agreements with more than 150 enterprises and institutions, such as Alibaba, Zongshen Dynamics, Chongqing Soil Exploration & Surveying Research Institute, Yu Cun Science and Technology, with practical internship training carried out regularly.

International Exchanges and Cooperation                                                                

Adhering to the opening-up policy of rooting in Chongqing, serving the west, facing the whole country, and going out to the world, Chongqing Finance and Economics College actively responds to the “One Belt And One Road” initiative. Currently, it has established partnerships with some colleges and universities from 17 countries (regions) including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, the Czech republic, Australia, South Korea, Russia, Malaysia, Thailand, Mali, benin, and New Zealand. Students of Chongqing Finance and Economics College are offered direct access to successive undergraduate and graduate program at the Public Universities in Spain (MPP program) and several student exchange programs from many famous overseas universities. They are also offered three international programs: ACCA, CHARTERED Financial Analyst (CFA) and Chartered Management Accountant (CMA).  

Party Construction and Youth League Construction  

The College has established a working mechanism of integrating Party construction with teachers professional ethics construction, integrating Party construction with ideological and political courses and curriculum ideological and political reform, and integrating Party construction with full staff education. In 2012, the Party Committee of the College won the title of Outstanding Primary Organization issued by Chongqing Municipal Party Committee for striving for excellence. In 2020, it was appointed by Chongqing Municipal Education Commission as the co-leader unit of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities in Banan District and Da Dukou District of Chongqing.  

Chongqing Finance and Economics College insists on playing the role of Party construction and League construction, and has set up college student Party Member Service Station to strengthen the management of student organization and ideological position. Its League branch was rated as National May 4th Red Flag Youth League Branch and the  Youth League Committee as May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee of Chongqing Municipality.  

Talent Cultivation

The university has sent more than 19,000 graduates to the society. In recent years, our students have won a total of 348 prizes in national discipline competitions. In the National Academic Competition Ranking List of Ordinary Universities from 2015 to 2019, they achieved high performance and won the first prize of the 11th National Mathematics Competition for College Students (non-mathematics), 58 awards in Chongqing (competition area), 125 national awards and 162 awards in Chongqing (competition area) sponsored by various education organizing committees, academic societies and industry associations.    

In recent years, the average employment rate of our graduates has exceeded 90 percent, with graduates successfully signed contracts with major Banks, securities companies, Party and government organizations and other large enterprises and institutions. Also, some graduates have successfully been enrolled as postgraduate of universities like Southwest University, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Jilin University of Finance and Economics, Cardiff University, York University, University of Sydney and the like.    

Informationization Construction  

The College was selected as one of the first smart campus construction demonstration schools in Chongqing. At present, the campus information network has been built with double lines, 10mb backbone and gigabit to desktop terminal, with nearly 15,000 wired network information points and nearly 10G exit bandwidth. It has established administrative office, personnel, finance, educational administration, scientific research, assets, students, books and other management information systems and desktop cloud teaching platform that support unified identity authentication, multiple authentication mechanisms and data integration.    

The College vigorously implements the smart teaching project integrating modern educational technology with education and teaching, actively creates gold courses, vigorously promotes the classroom revolution. It has been awarded the MOOC + Teaching Practice Award by the Online Research Center of the Ministry of Education, and the unit of 2018 Smart Teaching Pilot Project. Several teachers of our school were awarded Smart Teaching Star by the Online Education Research Center of the Ministry of Education.

Experimental and Practical Training

Chongqing Finance and Economics College now has 129 practice bases of various kinds, including 3 teaching and practice bases on campus, 86 practice and internship bases off campus, and 40 experimental and training rooms of various kinds.    

The college has established a Modern Experimental and Practical Training Center, with a municipal experimental teaching demonstration center built by 15 professional economic and management laboratories. In addition to the basic Computer Laboratory and Language Laboratory, there are Laboratory for Quantitative economic Analysis, the Enterprise Management and Financial Decisions Online Game Laboratory, Finance Comprehensive Laboratory, Social and Economic Research and Analysis Center, Logistics Comprehensive Laboratory (including practical training area), Land and Housing Information Management Comprehensive Laboratory, Exhibition Economy and Management Comprehensive Laboratory (including practical training area), Computerized Accounting Lab, Financial Accounting Manual Laboratory, Management Information System Laboratory, ERP Sand Table Laboratory, the New Media Laboratory, the International Trade Practice Laboratory, Iflytek Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Oracle Big Data Laboratory.