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Major Achievements

  • The Finance Specialty of Our School has been selected as one of the First Batch of Undergraduate First-class Specialty Cultivation Projects in Chongqing

    Mon, Jun 1 2020 03:50 PM

     Recently, the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Education has reviewed, confirmed and issued the First Batch of Undergraduate First-class Specialty Cultivation Projects in Chongqing according to the “Notice of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Education on the Implementation of the First Batch of First-Class Specialty Construction Projects for Higher Education Institutions” (Yu Office L...

  • The Project of the Young Teacher in Our College has been approved as the National Social Science Fund Project for the First Time

    Mon, Jun 1 2020 03:49 PM

    A few days ago, the National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science has released the “Announcement on 2018 Set-up Annual Projects and Youth Projects of National Social Science Fund”. The Research on the Industrial Ecological Agglomeration and Spatial Differentiation Strategy in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River, which is led by Associate Professor Luo Yinchen, a young teacher ...

  • The Research Project of Our School has been approved by the Ministry of Education as Humanities and Social Science Research Project

    Mon, Jun 1 2020 03:49 PM

     Previously, the Department of Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education has announced the “Public Notice on the Evaluation of the General Project of the Humanities and Social Sciences Research of the Department of Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education in 2018”. The “Transformation Basis and Cracking Path Research of the Main Contradictions in the New Era of China”, which is led ...

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